I'm a fullstack developer who is a self motivated team player. I enjoy learning new tech, but acknowledge that these technologies are just tools in a tool belt, a means to deliver great software products. I love writing tests, reviewing code and testing to ensure my team is always delivering great code. I have experience in many programming languages, which facilitates my ability to adopt new technology quickly by seeing the commonalities between them. I'm no security expert, but I know the basics of keeping a website secure.

I graduated from the University of Waterloo with a Bachelor of Applied Science in Honours Nanotechnology Engineering. I chose this program because I was interested in chemistry and wanted to apply my learnings to solve problems and improve lives. However, the actual day to day work of being in a lab was not enjoyable for me, so I branched out a bit during my coop placements, and learned that I could build amazing things using software from my own computer. Starting from about halfway through my program, I switched my focus to software, taking as many software courses as the school would let me. I have been self-directing my learning ever since. I believe that this round about path has made me a better professional developer to this day because it forced me to learn how to learn.